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Vienna is famous for its cafés, where for centuries artists and students have enjoyed coffee specialities and pastries while debating the latest events or writing a play. Traditionally, coffee is served on a silver platter, along with pre-packaged sugar cubes and a glass of cold tap water. In addition, cafés provide free newspapers and magazines to read on-site and let patrons linger for hours. My husband and I used to work on translations at one such cafe, since our apartment lacked heat.


How I Work

During my 10+ years as a freelance translator I have developed and refined a number of processes to ensure that I understand and can meet your needs, that I can reliably deliver your projects on time and that I use tools and reference materials appropriate for your audience. Below are a few pages about the procedures I have put in place at reliable translations llc. I also regularly blog at On Language and Translation about issues relating to translation, global audiences and medical writing.
